School Concert Videography &
Graduation Ceremonies
We offer DVDs, MPEG4 video downloads from our website store or a video link for every family.
Video Essentials has been a leading producer of school concerts and graduation ceremonies since 1992.
When video recording a school concert you get one chance to get it right.
Experience is everything.
When the lights go out you need a highly specialised skill set and a clear plan.
There’s no “Take Two”.
Before you book a video producer for your next concert make sure you’ve seen their product.
Since 1992, Video Essentials has recorded over 2000 concerts and is one of Melbourne’s leading live production specialists.
Most clients return year after year which means we are doing a lot of things right.
Beware of edited highlights and show reels. You need to see the whole product.
No more shaking cameras zooming in and out.
No more poor sound. No more one camera amateurs.
No more waiting for months for the video to be completed.
No more upset parents!
Contact us to view a full length sample of a concert shot at the same venue you’ll be having your concert.
Video Essentials records ALL concerts with TWO CAMERAS.
Expect high quality picture and sound as well as a recording formula that ensures all students are seen on screen for at least 70% of the time.
Live mixing means a superior product and no costly post production.
Expect a professional look with seamless transitions and thoughtful editing decisions.
Sound is taken from the theatre’s sound desk and mixed with our stage microphone.
- We have numerous backup systems for picture and sound.
- We have specialised equipment to shoot concerts held in school halls and gyms.
- All concerts are edited and available on-line within 48 hours.
- We provide each school a complimentary MPEG4 video file for each teacher.
- All of our staff have Working With Children Checks.
Option 1: Parents purchase a DVD or MPEG4
Parents purchase a DVD or MPEG4 file for $25.
This is the method we have traditionally used for larger schools.
Your school receives $5 cashback for every sale in excess of 50 for EACH concert recorded.
We provide your school with an order form for DVDs and information on how to download an MPEG4 file from our website store.
A “school code” is provided for security.
(Some smaller schools will not qualify for this option.)
Option 2: Your school pays a flat fee for an MPEG4 video link
Your school pays a flat rate to receive a link to an MPEG4 video file of the concert that can be emailed to EVERY family.
They can then download their own copy to keep.
To reimburse your payment you could add a fee to the concert levee, include it in the seat price or sell the files as a fund raiser.
When everyone receives a video link, the cost per head becomes a small fraction of the $25 alternative.